dog behavior problems

When The Going Gets Tough…. Force-free management tools for when things get messy

When The Going Gets Tough…. Force-free management tools for when things get messy

You are working with your reactive dog on making the world a less stressful place for them…

You are out and about socialising your puppy….

You are training with your adolescent dog, ironing out a couple of teenage tricky behaviours…

One moment the world is at peace, then suddenly something happens that sends your dog into melt down frenzy (out of fear, over-excitement, frustration…).

In this heightened emotional state most dogs struggle to respond to a cue, and management is key.

The following force-free management tools will help you to swiftly, and positively, get out of a potentially messy situation.

Why Dogs Bark & What You Can Do About It

Why Dogs Bark & What You Can Do About It

First things first, dogs bark! It’s a dog, it’s what they do. You wouldn’t ask a lion to stop roaring.

However, the fact that dogs live in our homes makes this often an issue for us humans. And of course we often expect our furry friend to behave perfectly, in all sorts of ‘human’ situations.

This article is about understanding why your dog barks and how to deal with it, including teaching alternative behaviours, providing outlets so they don’t need to bark in the first place as well as preempting, managing and, let’s say, tone it down a notch, or two.

Before I delve into the different types of barking and how to deal with these, here are some things to consider that can impact on most barking behaviours:

Loving Miss Daisy

Separation anxiety training

I've just received a wonderful review from a client who I've been working with on separation distress (for their rescue hound mix Daisy, isn't she the cutest).
We've been working together for a while, months! As that is what it (mostly) takes to help a dog over separation related issues (commonly known as 'separation anxiety').
We went from helping her to get over initial departure triggers (I.e. the human putting on shoes or a coat - slowly changing her association from panicked to relaxed) to slowly building up duration of absences (3mins, 5mins, slowly slowly is most often the key to success, teaching the dog a routine that surrounds the human coming back).
Daisy happily copes with 90 minutes now, sometimes even longer. Any longer is still difficult for her though so we are taking it back to baby steps, to help her over that hurdle gently.

Also, she went from hating long car journeys to breezily traveling along now. And from pulling like a truck on the lead to happily bouncing alongside her humans. All down to her humans' effort and care, being patient and understanding and just so so wonderful with her.

I do love my job!
Go Daisy!

How to make the festive season stress free for your dog

How to make the festive season stress free for your dog

The festive season is well and truly upon us. The tree is going up, decorations shall be hung and soon the house will be filled with an abundance of visitors and the smell of delicious food.

It’s important to remember that the festive season can be a stressful and unsettling time for your dog so check out our top tips to help keep the festive season merry and stress free for your dog.

Plan ahead
It is not always possible to take your dog to visit friends and family, always plan ahead and book your dog walker/sitter well ahead of time. It’s not fair to leave your dog with just anyone so choose carefully and make sure that your dog is happy and comfortable around whoever you choose to leave them with.

Try to keep your routine (as much as possible)
Dogs thrive on routine so it is important to keep their routine as normal as possible over the festive season. Even when you’re full of Christmas feast, your dog should still get their evening walk. Maintaining their feeding and exercise routine will help to keep them calm and happy.