Dogs are love

I love you, Wolfgang. 

My golden nugget.

My furry Buddha. 

From the tip of your cute button nose to the end of your foxy tail, you are perfection to me.

Every time I look at you, my heart simply melts.

Even if you sometimes stare at me like a mass-murderer on crack-cocaine, I think you are the most wonderful being that has ever lived.

You are MY best friend, and soulmate, business partner, sidekick, mentor, fur-baby…I mean, HOW LUCKY AM I?!?

You make me feel loved, safe, crazy happy … and I truly hope I make you feel the same way.

Every morning when I wake up, you are right there, a caramel-scented paw wedged into my eyeball, soft golden fur engulfing my face, a gentle gurgle sound alerting me to the fact that it’s now time for a belly rub. 

You make me smile, every day.

I often ponder on how such perfection can exist, my sunshine.

With you by my side, I can do anything.

To the end of the world, Wolfgang, to the end of the world. 
