How To Get Your Puppy Used To Being Home Alone

Preventing Separation Anxiety in Puppies

Here are a few tips on how to prepare yourself and your puppy for home alone success and to prevent Separation Anxiety.


  1. Make alone time training part of your daily socialisation and habituation routine. (THE most important bit!)

2. Learn about dog body language….

so you're able to understand what your puppy is telling you; what they can/ cannot cope with.

3. Create puppy proof areas in your home

with stair-gates and playpens.

4. Use background sounds

to sooth and block out potentially scary outside noises (calming classical, reggae, white/ brown noise).

5. Get a camera to monitor your puppy

when home alone to ensure they don't get stressed without you around.


1. Play Peek-A-Boo

teaching them that an object exists even if it's out of sight. Start with their toys, then with you as the object.

2. Feed meals from puzzle toys

then step out of sight (build duration slowly).

3. Once your puppy is happy to settle with you at home but out of sight

start practicing leaving your home.

4. Start with short durations (seconds)

and if your puppy remains happy and calm, build duration in bigger chunks.

5. You could teach them a unique leaving cue to let them know that now you are leaving AND coming back.


- Puppies can come predisposed to separation anxiety.
- Always works at your puppy's pace.
- Puppies cannot handle frustration yet so their response may be a bit more 'explosive'.

Get in touch if you need help with your puppy or adult/ senior dog's separation related behaviours.
You can book a FREE 15 minute call HERE.